Welcome to the Assumption Basketball Program!
We’re looking forward to another great season and would like to encourage new players to join our Assumption teams. Practices will be starting in October/November, and games in the Orthodox Youth Athletic Association (OYAA) basketballs season will start in early December for our older teams and in early January for Biddys. As a reminder, the divisions are:
Biddy C – boys and girls, ages 7-8
Biddy B – boys and girls, ages 9-10
Biddy A – boys and girls, ages 11-12 (cannot turn 13 before end of season)
Girls – ages 13-18
Junior Boys – boys, ages 13-15 (cannot turn 16 before end of season)
Intermediate Boys – boys, ages 16-18 (cannot turn 19 before end of season)
Seniors – age 19 & over.
To participate in the Assumption Basketball Program
You will need to complete both registration forms
In addition to the OYAA registration fee, we ask that each family pay a player’s fee to help off-set the cost of our basketball program. The entry fees for our teams to play in the OYAA season and Pan Orthodox Tournament are over $2,500 each year, and we spend another $1,500 for the basketball banquet. If we need to order uniforms, it can be another $500-$700.
Therefore, we ask each family to pay the following:
$20 per player (if you have completed a Stewardship card and fulfilling your commitment)
$40 per player (if you have not completed a Stewardship card)
Payments can be made by giving a check to Olga Cardasis, made out to “Assumption Church”.
Please contact Dean Niforos, Athletic Director, at 313-418-6085 or