Sunday School is the foundation of our youth ministry. It is here that children learn about God, His Church, and His saints. It is here that children learn that they are also children of God. They learn about Jesus Christ’s teachings and how they can apply them in their daily lives. In Sunday School, children mature in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ as they grow in an ever-changing world.

Sunday School Directors: Krisanne George & Sam Homsy


Andriana Kiriazis

Claudia Kiriazis


Krisanne George

blair malian

1st - 2nd Grade

helen Minini

Athena Skowronek

shirley zachary

3rd - 4th Grade

Fotini Martini

Anne Marie Michon

5th - 6th Grade

patti theros

Christina partalis

7th - 8th grade

Thena Hedglin

Lindy Lenk  

9th - 10th - 11th - 12th GRADE

Sam Homsy

Norm Fletcher