Executive Board

President: Mr. Robert Vickrey

Vice President: Mr. tom thomas

Secretary: Ms. Chrysanthe Kotsis Kohl

Treasurer: Mr. John Kohl

Parish Council

Mr. Andre Ahee

Mr. George Dallas

Mr. Spero Dionysopoulos

Mr. Sam Homsy

Mr. Jim Koukios

Mr. William Malian

Mr. Chris Manos

Mr. Nick Moschouris

Mr. Anthony Niarhos

dr. Chris Raphtis

dr. Ari Thanasas

Ms. Roula Tsaprailis

Ms. Patty vasilos

mr. george verras

MS. lydia villeneuve

Mission Statement of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

The diakonia (ministry) of the Parish will include proclaiming and teaching the Gospel in accordance with the Orthodox faith; sanctifying the faithful through God's grace in worship, the Divine Liturgy and the other sacraments; enhancing its parishioners’ spiritual life; and adding to the numbers of the faithful by receiving persons into the Church through instruction, baptism and/or chrismation. In addition, the Parish shall establish educational and philanthropic activities to foster the aims and mission of the Parish and to edify its parishioners in the faith and ethos of the Church. The Parish shall also engage in such inter-Orthodox, ecumenical and interfaith activities as are consistent with the policies of the Archdiocese, (2017 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Uniform Parish Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Part Three, Chapter One, Article 15, Section 4).

Standing Committees of the Parish Council



The Assumption School Committee oversees our nursery school and all its functions (administrative, educational, financial) and considers future improvements to its programs.

Building Maintenance & Repairs:

The Building Maintenance and Repairs Committee oversees the ongoing maintenance and improvements to our facilities and grounds.


The Catering Committee reviews and oversees our parish’s catering operation.

Center Activities:

The Center Activities Committee, in cooperation with our Cultural Center Coordinator, oversees the cultural and educational activities of our parish and plans activities for parishioners and the community at large.


The Finance Committee oversees the finances of the Church and prepares the annual budget.

Internet & computer Technology:

The IT Committee manages the computer, internet, and other technological needs of our parish and its ministries. It also oversees the live stream of our church’s worship services and activities.


The Legal Committee is responsible for the review of all legal matters of the parish.

Long-Range Planning:

The Long-Range Planning Committee is committed to the review of programs, facilities, and strategic planning for the future development of our parish.


The Stewardship Committee is dedicated to assist every Christian of our parish to understand and participate in the stewardship program.  Stewardship is a Christian system of freely offering our time, talents, and treasures to our parish.

Welcome & Ushering:

The Welcome and Ushering Committee oversees the greeters and ushers needed to help provide an orderly and reverent atmosphere of worship.

Youth Committee:

The Youth Committee assists in the development and coordination of all youth programs of our parish. It also acts as liaison between the Parish Council and the following youth ministries: Sunday School, Greek School, GOYA, HOPE/JOY, Greek Folk Dance, and Altar Servers.

special committees of the parish council

giant garage sale

golf outing

greek festival (greekfest)

reverse raffle dinner

“To serve on a Parish Council is a ministry and all those who serve are called to represent Christ and the Orthodox Faith to all whom they meet in all aspects of life. The Parish Council shall consist of the Priest, as the head of the Parish, and a number of elected lay members fixed by the Parish Bylaws or by local statute according to the needs of the Parish. The Parish Council is responsible to the Parish Assembly and to the respective Hierarch for conducting all Parish affairs in keeping with the mission, aims and purposes of the Church as set forth in the Charter and these Regulations. The Parish Council shall be deemed to mean also Board of Trustees or Board of Directors when such designations are required by local statute. The Priest shall be a non-voting member of the Parish Council,” (2017 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Uniform Parish Regulations, Part Three, Chapter Two, Article 24, Section 1).